Results for «imperial guard»


52m 48s

In the harsh winter of 324, a dazzling cavalry officer from the Roman Imperial Guard stop his horse in front of a nearly naked man, then take from his shoulders his immense white cloak, made from two pieces of fabric, one lined with sheepskin, and separate the two parts with his sword to make the unfortunate wretch warm. His charitable gesture contains all the force of this emblematic character from the dawn of Western Christianity.

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La Guarida

16m 00s

Mario is driving under the rain. It's dark in a lonely road. Suddenly he has to stop. In the middle of the way there's a woman. She is disorientated and covered in blood. She doesn't remember where she's been or what happened to her. Mario needs to look for assistance. They stop at the first place they can find: A quiet bar called The Den.

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Empire Games - S01 E04 - The Chinese: Dynasties and Warlords

47m 33s

China is the longest continuous civilization on Earth, spanning 7,000 years of history. The Imperial past is filled with dramatic stories of tyrannical courts of emperors and eunuchs along with great philosophers, impressive inventors and merciless warriors. Successive dynasties developed bureaucratic systems that gave the Emperor of China direct control of vast territories and led to tumultuous in-fighting, jealousy and political intrigue.

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Dogs & Us – The Secret of a Friendship

51m 37s

Dogs have followed us humans all over the world – as hunting, sledge, guard or sheep dog. This heart-warming documentary shows true stories about the unconditional loyalty between humans and dogs and investigates our best friends’ remarkable intelligence, their outstanding sensory abilities and emotional bond to us humans.

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